Prayer of Aid-el-Adha

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Beneficient  
Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers salamaleikum,
You are cordially invited to participate in the programs of Association Islamique et Culturelle d’Ahl-el-Bayt (AS) de Genève : 
Thursday 29th JUNE at 7h00  : Prayer of Aid-el-Adha and at 19h30  : Recitation of  Du’â Kumayl
Thursday 6th  July 2023 at 19h30  : Recitation of  Du’â Kumayl following by  Ceremony of Aid-el-Ghadir

If you know people who don’t receive our communications, please inform them of our programs. We will be grateful to you if you could kindly ask them to send us their post or email address. For any participation and helps for our association please contact me.

For any questions or information please don’t hesitate to contact me on 078 653 86 82 or by e-mail at


You can also consult our website 
Salam aleikum
Vahid Khoshideh
Adresse: Association Islamique et Culturelle d’Ahl-el-Bayt de Genève
6, Route des Acacias (3rd floor)
1227 Les Acacias
Please ring on “Centre Islamique” doorbell
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Notre association est totalement indépendante et nos ressources financières sont les cotisations des membres et les donations.
Notre compte : CCP 12 –570768-0, (IBAN : CH11 0900 0000 1257 0768 0).
Notre centre est ouvert à tous, n’hésitez pas à venir nous rendre visite, vous êtes les bienvenus.



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