Program of the Ahl el Bayt Islamic Association for the holy month of Ramadhan 2023

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent 

Dear Sisters, Dear Brothers, As-salamu alaikum,

We are pleased to send you the program of our activities for the holy month of Ramadhan, starting most likely on Thursday 23th March 2023 (kindly refer to the ruling of your Marja).

For prayer time please see :

The programs on the following evenings will take place at the Ahl el Bayt Islamic and Cultural Association located at  6 Route des Acacias, on the 3rd floor :

Thursday 23th  March 2023 at 19h15 : Prayer, Iftar, Qur’an recitation, Dua Iftitah and lecture.

Friday 31th March 2023 at 19h30 : Qur’an recitation, Dua Iftitah, commemoration of the Wafat (demiseof Hadhrat KHADIJA (S), prayers and iftar.

Thursday 6th April 2023 at 19h30 : Qur’an recitation, Dua Iftitah, and commemoration of the Wiladat (birthof Imam HASSAN (AS)

Sunday 9th April 2023 at 19h30 : Night of Destiny (LaylatuQadr) and majlis of 19 Ramadhan

Tuesday 11th April 2023 at 19h30 : Night of Destiny (LaylatuQadr) and martyrdom majlis of Imam ALI (AS)

Thursday 11th April 2023 at 19h30 : Night of Destiny (LaylatuQadr)

Thursday 20th  April 2023 at 19h30 :  Qur’an recitation, Dua Iftitah, lecture, Prayer and Iftar. 

Every Friday : Salat Jomeh ( Friday prayer ) at Dhor time prayerAll those interested in participating in these events are requested to kindly inform me at least 3 days in advance of each event by email or SMS.

Anyone who would like to prepare iftar or contribute to the cost of the meals is requested to kindly contact me before the beginning of the month of Ramadhan.

I would like to thank all those who support us regularly and fulfil their commitments. Without your contributions our center wouldn’t be able to exist. 

We continue to count on your donations in order to maintain our activities while remaining independent. As you may know, the association has no paid employees and all our activities are carried out by volunteers. Therefore, your contributions will be used mainly to pay the rent.

Brothers and sisters wishing to contribute to Iftar, the rent of our center or to help us with our activities during the holy month of Ramadhan or those that take place throughout the year may send their payments to the following account:

CCP  12 –570768-0 (IBAN : CH11 0900 0000 1257 0768 0).

We also always need your advice and support in all areas, be it intellectual, physical, digital, educational etc..  and most of all your presence, in order to achieve our goals.

For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me on  078 653 86 82 or by email:

May God accept our fasts and reward you for your generosity.

As-salamu alaikum                                                                                                                       

Vahid Khoshideh

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Our association is completely independent and our financial resources are membership fees and donations.Our account: CCP 12 –570768-0, (IBAN: CH11 0900 0000 1257 0768 0).
Our center is open to everyone, do not hesitate to come and visit us, you are welcome.

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