Program of September and October 2022

In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Beneficient

Dear brothers, dear sisters, As-salaamu alaikum,

We are pleased to invite you to participate to the following program which will take place at Ahl-el-Bayt (AS) Islamic and Cultural Association of Geneva, 6, Route des Acacias, 3rdfloor. ( to enter please ring the bell labeled « Centre Islamique « )

Friday 2nd September 2022 15:00 : Ladies Majlis

Saturday 17th September 2022 at 18:30 : Majlis Arabaeen , follwing by Prayer and dinner

Saturday 24th September 2022 at 18:00 :Majlis du décès du Prophète Mohammad (S) et du martyr ( shahadat) Imam Hassan Mojtaba (AS) , follwing by Prayer and dinner

Tuesday 27th September at 19:30 : Prayer, Majlis du martyr ( Shahadat) de l’Imam Redha (AS) follwing by dinner

Tuesday 4th October at 19:30 : Prayer, Majlis du martyr ( Shahadat) de l’Imam Hassan Askari (AS) follwing by dinner

Thursday 6th October at 19:30 : Prayer, Lecture of Dua Komeil, Ceromony of begining the Imamat of Imam Zaman (AS) follwing by dinner

Thursday 13th October at 19:30 : Prayer, Lecture of Dua Komeil, Ceromony of birthday of Prophet Mohammad (S) and of Imam Jaffar Sadegh (AS) follwing by dinner

We would like to remind you of our activities during the year:

Every Thursday at 19:30: Recitation of duâ Kumayl followed by a lecture

We would like to benefit from this occasion to thank you for the support that you have provided us. Thanks to membership payments and your generous donations, we have been able to independently continue our activities. We are still counting on your support and would like to remind you of our CCP number: 12 – 570768-0 (IBAN: CH11 0900 0000 1257 0768 0). Please find thr QR code in attachement.

Ahl-el-Bayt (AS) School:

Parents wishing their children aged 5 to 16 to receive religious instruction (in French) and to attend courses of lecture of Quran, are requested to enroll their children in Ahl-el–Bayt (AS) school by contacting me by e-mail or phone. These courses are held every Sunday morning from 10:30 to 12:30 from 18th September 2022

. The registration fee is 200. -CHF per person

For Farsi classes please read below

Feel free to forward this information to your friends and contacts, and kindly send us their contact details if they want to receive our updates. The doors of our Islamic center are always open to everyone. Those who wish to give a lecture, offer a meal , participate in organizing programs or help our association financially are requested to contact me.

We await your attendance and hope that our activities interest you

As-salam u aleikum

Vahid Khoshideh

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Our association is completely independent and our financial resources are membership fees and donations.Our account: CCP 12 –570768-0, (IBAN: CH11 0900 0000 1257 0768 0).
Our center is open to everyone, do not hesitate to come and visit us, you are welcome.

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